Furniture can often break or start to look tired after a few years of constant use. Repairing and reupholstering furniture you already own is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to breath new life into your home.
I. J. Baxter offer a full range of furniture restoration services, including general reupholstering of sofas and chairs, as well as more specialist restoration of traditional furniture.
Upholstered furniture comes into two categories traditional or modern.
Traditional upholstery uses natural fibres formed by Hessians and the upholsterers skill to make shapes such as arms, seats, backs over hardwood frames and coil springs.
Usually associated with antique furniture up to the 1940's when foam started to be used commercially.
Most modern furniture manufacturers use foam to form shape over springs and frames. Hardwood frames replaced with board materials such as Plywood and Chipboard to enable different styles to be created.
No matter how sad a chair or sofa look, it can be restored to its former glory.
Frames can be repaired, re-sprung. Fillings replaced or refurbished.